Last Chapter Meeting Minutes


Lewis and Clark Chapter of ISA 

In person meeting November 6 

Edmonds WA at Bette Bell home 

 Presentation by Greg Brown 



Members present: Bette Bell, Gerg Brown, Alyssa Stevens, Shelly Lane, Brenna Chu, Nicole Roberts, Business Agent John Craughan and guest Barbara Craughan  


Greg gave the group a 3 hour very informative presentation regarding ivory and Chinese pottery. 


Old Business 


The first order of business was to review the minutes from the September 11 Meeting,  

Minutes were approved unanimously.  


New Business

  1. Next meeting we must review together the ISA Chapters rules.  

  1. We will need volunteers to fill all the positions. A good opportunity to get credits for your requal. 

  1. Shelly offered to host the group for a meeting next year about antique furniture and identifying wood.

  1. The Chapter bank account has $2023.99. Expenses paid so far this year are $20 for the State license and $192,41 paid in June for the website. Upcoming expense will be in January for the domain name on the web site.  


  1. Nest meeting will be a Zoom meeting. Please state your preference midday or evening when you receive this email so we can plan.  


Respectfully submitted.  


Nicole Roberts President  


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